Neuroimaging with Dr. Russ Podrack
Today, we are joined by Dr. Russ Poldrack. discuss neuroimaging and how we take the steps to translate image data to real incite on the brain.
Internet and Teen Development with Dr. Kate Mills
Today ,we discussed the internet’s effects on adolescent development with Dr. Kate Mills.
Consciousness and Comas with Dr. Martin Monti
Today, we are joined by Dr. Martin Monti to discuss questions like what is consciousness and whether we are still conscious in comas.
The Evolution of Emotion with Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett
On this episode, we are discussing emotions, what they are and why we have them with Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett.
Aging, Psychophysiology, and Clinical Psychology with Dr. Bob Levenson
Today, we talked Dr. Bob Levenson from UC Berkley about aging, psychophysiology, and dementia. We also talked about the future of clinical psychology!
Neuroscience and Policy with Dr. Brian Knutson
Today, we were joined by Dr. Brian Knutson, where we talked about neuroforcasting, neuroeconomics, and a variety of other subfields within psychology and neuroscience as well as their policy implications!
Intimate Social Relationships with Dr. Ben Karney
Today, we discussed what makes certain relationships succeed while others fail with Dr. Ben Karney from UCLA.
The Strange Order of Things with Dr. Antonio Demasio
In this episode we had a great discussion with Dr. Atonio Demasio of USC about his book The Strange Order of Things: Life, Feeling, and the Making of Cultures
Applying Mathematical Models to Disease Spread & Social Contagion with Dr. PJ Lamberson
For this episode, we sat down with Dr. PJ Lamberson (UCLA) to discuss mathematical modeling. How does a virus like COVID-19 spread, and what can we do to slow it down? How different is the spread of “viral” information on social media? Dr. Lamberson digs into the nuts and bolts, explaining how we can use…
Psychological Effects of COVID-19 with Drs. Diana Tamir, Katie Young, & Livia Tomova
For our fourteenth episode, we sat down with Dr. Diana Tamir (Princeton), Dr. Katie Young (King’s College), and Dr. Livia Tomova (MIT) to discuss all things COVID-19. How do our brains process social isolation? How different are our social worlds during this crisis? What are the measurable effects of COVID-19 on our mental health? These…