What are online-dating sites really selling you?
Many dating sites advertise that they will match you with a partner who is highly compatible. Those signing up for Chemistry.com, eHarmony, or similar other websites, are asked to complete prescreening information about their background and personality, and then are given matches with similar others based on this information. But how much does background and…
It’s not what you say you want, it’s what you do.
Benjamin Karney and Thomas Bradbury are a dynamic duo. These UCLA professors study what makes successful marriages last by following 172 married couples over the first 11 years of marriage. For example, they recently found that just professing (and believing) you are committed to your relationship doesn’t do much to help your relationship. Your actual…
Know When to Put on Rose-Colored Lenses: When Bias is Useful
The idea of “positive illusions” is one that has been popular in social psychology since Taylor and Brown published their 1988 paper, “Illusion and well-being: A social psychological perspective on mental health.” Simply put, positive illusions are biased perceptions of reality that are thought to be good for mental health. For instance, studies have shown…
APA Resolution Supporting Marriage Equality
Yesterday the American Psychological Association passed a resolution supporting full marriage equality for same-sex couples by a unanimous vote of 157-0. Although the full text of the resolution is not yet available, the APA has supported same-sex marriage for several years, always citing peer-reviewed research to support their views. This quote from The Examiner is…