A Bird’s Eye View: Using Distancing Language with Negative Memories
Why does [insert your name here] feel this way? ‘Distancing’ yourself from the situation when you reflect on negative past events might be an easy way to make you feel better. A recent study demonstrated that distanced self-talk decreased negative feelings about a wide range of memories, and across a variety of people.
Biological and Environmental Impacts on Emotion Regulation
A fundamental aspect of the human experience is undeniably emotion. Love, anger, happiness, fear: these are concepts that we are all intimately familiar with, but their subjective experience can vary widely person to person.
Emotional Control: Strategies we use for regulating our emotions
Emotions are a central component of the human experience. They facilitate social interactions, allow us to both appreciate and create powerful works in arts and literature, and guide us in achieving personal goals. These are only a few of the myriad ways that demonstrate the important role emotions play in our lives. In a letter…