• ADHD: Prescription Medication Shortage

    ADHD: Prescription Medication Shortage

    4.4% of Adults in the United States are clinically diagnosed with ADHD, and 32.7% of ADHD adults rely on stimulants for treatment. However, in 2022 the FDA announced that there was a drug shortage, which also impact Adderall production. Adderall is the most common medication prescribed to ADHD patients and a lack of this medicine…

  • 5 Things You Should Know About Neurodiversity

    5 Things You Should Know About Neurodiversity

    The term neurodiversity refers to a growing movement that views differences in people’s neurology as providing them with valuable diversity and skills opposed to viewing their neurological differences as a disease or disorder that requires treatment. In this article, we list 5 things you should know about neurodiversity.

  • But what about GIRLS with ADHD?

    But what about GIRLS with ADHD?

    Though ADHD is 2-3 times more prevalent in boys than girls, approximately 6% of girls are diagnosed with ADHD in childhood, which makes it one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders in girls.

  • ADHD Medication and Risk for Later Alcohol and Drug Use

    Many parents have to make difficult choices about how to help their children with an ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) diagnosis. Two treatments have been proven in well-designed and carefully controlled research studies to be effective: behavioral management (also known as parent training) and medication (typically Ritatin or Adderall). Medication treatment has raised concerns about…

  • Children with ADHD have greater likelihood of trying substances and developing substance use disorders.

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed disorders in childhood. In fact, estimates of the rates of ADHD had found that between 5-10 percent of all children meet diagnostic criteria for the disorder. Children with and without ADHD, at a group level, show several differences, including poorer school performance, more…

  • ADHD and Memory: Differences in What is Remembered

    Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD (formerly known also as ADD) are classically seen as the kids in class who have trouble staying in their seats and paying attention during long lessons. Underlying these problematic behaviors is a confluence of factors, with evidence pointing to genetics, neural function, and environmental factors (including parenting…

  • Is ADHD a real disorder?

    Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that approximately 5 percent of children have a specific deficit in attention compared to children of their same age and sex, many people still question whether ADHD (and some still call it it’s former name: ADD) is a real disorder. A recent article in the New York Times takes on this…

  • Treatments for ADHD – and the forgotten role of motivation

    Research on the treatments for ADHD suggest that even the most effective treatments may not be sufficient for improving outcomes for children with ADHD diagnoses. Current treatments have a predominately person-biased approach to conceptualizing and treating the disorder. For example, the largest study conducted to assess the efficacy of ADHD interventions pitted medication and psychosocial…

  • brain mapping disorders

    An ever growing number of studies feature brain mapping to illustrate structural differences in the brain based on grouping those with and without a given disorder. Techniques such as structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can aid in researchers understanding of differences in shape and volume of various brain regions. Group differences are often found, yet…

  • The Ethics of Neuroenhancement

    A recent issue of the New Yorker featured a wide-ranging and engagingly written review of the current controversy over the ethics of neuroenhancement. Neuroenhancement refers to the growing trend of off-label use of psychiatric drugs by men and women of all ages and backgrounds for the purpose of boosting their brain power and ability to…