Tag: definition

  • The Defiant Optimism of Understanding

    The Defiant Optimism of Understanding

    ‘Human life is beyond comprehension.’ There are literally hundreds of these seemingly benign, brain-teasing quotes I could have picked. Hundreds of pithy-sounding wisdoms taking stabs at poorly unpacked concepts that are given transcendent reverence because they claim to reveal ethereal nature. Quotes on how the sublime, consciousness, justice, mystery of life are actually beyond our…

  • Obscurantism: Lame explanations to the lame questions

    Obscurantism: Lame explanations to the lame questions

    “Indeed, the quantum theory implies that consciousness must exist, and that the content of the mind is the ultimate reality.” Your intuition can fail you on what is genius and what is asinine. Good thinking strives, almost as its prime directive, to clarify. It doesn’t mean a discussion you have with someone else on a…

  • What is Sleep Health?

    We all know what poor sleep looks like (see: zombie apocalypse), but do we have a good understanding of what healthy sleep is? Most psychological and medical research on sleep has been focused on sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea, but healthy sleep is not necessarily the absence of these disorders. Since 1948, the…

  • Odds Are: On the difference between odds, probability, and risk ratio.

    Odds Are: On the difference between odds, probability, and risk ratio.

    Odds, Probability, Chance, Risks: Interchangeable?Not so much. What does it mean to say “smokers are X times more likely to get lung cancer than non-smokers?” What about when the weather channel says, “there is a 10% chance of rain?” The odds of 1 to 10 of winning? These words are often used in casual conversations as…

  • So you’re not a therapist?! Definition of Health Psychology

    I am getting my PhD in Health Psychology but I don’t always tell people that when they ask.