Tag: chills

  • Celine Dion: “The Power of Love” or the Power of Dopamine?

    Celine Dion: “The Power of Love” or the Power of Dopamine?

    Celine Dion I’m not sure about you, but when I hear Celine Dion belting out the last chorus of “My Heart Will Go On”, I seem to disconnect from reality and become totally immersed in a wave of emotion (one might even say that it’s a wave strong enough to sink a cruise ship). Although…

  • I got chills, they’re multiplying

    Many of us have experienced chills when listening to music, those weird, almost indescribable sensations sometimes likened to shivers down the spine. If you’re very meta, the line serving as this post’s title might even do it for you (but probably not—chills don’t tend to occur until later on in a song). Despite our inability…